Your needs, wants and goals are our primary focus. Establishing and maintaining safety, comfort, accessibility and the quality of your social and emotional life is our priority. Our recommendations ensure that your family activities will continue in an inclusive and creative environment.
Our services include:
- Meeting with you in your home to assess needs and wants
- Evaluating safety, comfort and independence
- Designing your remodeling needs with architects and designers
- Consulting with healthcare professionals
- Making recommendations for adaptive products which increase accessibility and safety in the home
- Developing an individualized step-by-step plan to implement adaptations
- Collaborating with your contractor to ensure modifications are carried out according to the recommendations
- Equipment recommendations from mobility devices to lift systems, to grab bars for maximum effectiveness
- Individualized care plan to train clients and caregivers in strategies and equipment safe use
Who We Help
Aging in Place Adults
Many homeowners want to stay connected to their community, friends, and neighbors by staying in their homes, so mobility and safety in the home is essential.
We have advanced training in:
- Dementia and caregiver coaching
- Neuromuscular disorders– MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, post-stroke
- Spinal cord Injuries (SCI)
- Traumatic brain Injuries (TBI)
- Fall prevention
- Vision deficits– glaucoma, macular degeneration

Among adults 70 years and older:
- 3 in 10 fall each year
- 2 in 10 who need home health care after being in the hospital will fall during the first month after coming home
- 1 in 10 suffer a serious fall injury such as a broken bone or head injury
- 5 in 10 have problems getting up without help after they have fallen
- Falls cause over 90% of broken hips; only half of those who break their hip will get around like they did before the injury
- In the United States, 16% of all emergency department visits and almost 7% of all hospitalizations are for fall-related injuries
Consider this:
- A single fall can cost $25,000
- Falls are more common than strokes and can be just as serious in their consequences
- Falls are the most preventable cause of needing to move to a nursing home
- Falls lead to problems walking, getting around, and doing daily activities like dressing and bathing

Special Needs Children
Together we can create a unique living situation for your child.
Home modifications benefit your family because:
- Independence increases self confidence in kids with special needs, and it decreases caregiving time.
- You can remodel your home in stages based on your child’s age and the amount of independence typically expected.
- Lifting is dangerous to the person being lifted as well as the person lifting.
- Caregivers don’t get “workman’s comp” for “on the job” injuries. Some caregiver injuries include back and knee strain or damage, rotator cuff tears, hernias, and/or carpal tunnel stress.
Worker’s compensation services
- In-person home evaluation
- Equipment recommendations
- Experience with complex cases, including SCI and brain injury
- Specialization in safe and effective transition to home
- Specialization in Assistive Technology and DME equipment
- Recommendations focusing on increasing independence and decreasing caregiver demands

How We Help

Comfort and safety improve quality of life and enhance enjoyment of your home for you and family.
Home modifications make your lives easier because they:
- Make good sense
- Can be elegant
- Don’t have to be expensive
- Can customize and individualize a home
- Can make a home last a lifetime
Fall Prevention
These simple home modifications can prevent falls:
- Improve lighting
- Remove area rugs
- Rearrange commonly used items to more accessible locations
- Improve “traffic flow” throughout living space
Modifications Examples
Home modifications range from simple quick-fix changes to complex solutions.
Simple modifications include:
- Widening doorways with a swing-away hinge
- Installing threshold ramps to remove tripping hazards and steps in and out of a home
- Changing light bulbs or shades to decrease glare and improve visual contrast
Complex solutions include:
- Grading the front yard and adding a pathway that slowly rises to the level of the front door
- Redesigning and renovating a kitchen or bathroom