Frequently Asked Questions

How does your training and experience as an Occupational Therapist qualify you to be a Home Modifications Specialist?
- We understand how special needs or medical conditions challenge a child’s or a maturing adult’s ability to function in every day life.
- We have the knowledge and expertise to create an environment that is safe and maximizes participation in daily life.
- We create spaces that allow families to function together in both work and play.
How soon do I need to make home modifications for my child/youth with special needs or for a maturing adult?
- As soon as the special needs are noted.
- Once you decide to stay in your home while caring for someone with special needs.
- Our evaluation considers the challenges ahead as well as those in the present day.
- Whether modifying a single room or an entire house, the adaptations, equipment, and products we recommend will keep an environment vital as your family’s needs change.
Will I have to remodel or renovate?
- Not every adaptation involves structural change or construction.
- Our goal is to make the greatest positive impact with the most effective modifications.
- Sometimes the right product or adapted item eliminates the need for renovations.
- We evaluate each situation on an individual basis.